Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Spring is in the air!

Finally , I love visiting The Musuem of Modern Art. This is one of the biggest mesuems of all time. I brought my bestfriend with me to witness some of the best work of art of all time. I chose these works of Arts.
The Garden Of Love (Improvisation Number 27)1912 Oil on canvas Alfred Stieglitz Collection, 194949.70.1.
I chose this painting because it was very intriguing and it is a type of modern work, modern work is something that people wont usually do, something different and abstract. The colors fascinate me.I am pretty sure that whomever pass by this potriat they would stop and see it. Very unique and Beautiful.I became an admirer of his paintings. When I went to prepare my research at the Metropolitan Museum of Art today I unexpectedly saw Kandinsky’s “The Garden of Love” and I right away decided to write about this painting.Vassily Kandinsky was one of the founding members of “the Blue Rider”. This small association of artists promoted new kind of art, one that would reject the materialist world in favor of the world of emotion and the spirit. This art was an abstractionism. “The Garden of Love” is the exact example of the abstract art. Painter uses a visual language of color, form and line to create an illusion of visible reality. In his book “On the Spiritual in Art” (1912) Wassily Kardinsky explains the subtitle of this painting. The word “improvisation” means "a largely unconscious, spontaneous expression of inner character, the non material nature." By “The Garden of Love” the great painter tried to show his own impression from his inner world. I like the abstract works because everybody interprets it differently. Therefore, there are always many topics and questions to discuss but most definitely this one paiting stood out to me.

I also have more pictures that I just had to share with you all;

This is something that I just needed to take a picture of is simply interesting and its orginated from Africa.
Another statue that I had to take a picture of was the famous Kouros; this statue is very famous around the whole world especially the western hemisphere.

Should there be an option? Pro-life or Pro-choice

It starts off with a kiss, then turns into a sexual feeling..you don't know what to do know next..should you sleep with him so that you could be considered cool? or just wait till your married like your parents have taught you? But then you don't care about the consequences, you give in.. a week later you find out that you haven't been feeling well, and there you have it. The question grows through your mind more then a million times. The biggest question of all, Am I pregnant? can it be, it can't. Then you run to the pharmacist and get a pregnancy test, you come home and open it up anxiously and there you have it ; Positive. You are pregnant.

When your fifteen years of age, what do you do? tell your parents that you are pregnant by your sixteen year old boyfriend; or do you just get an abortion with your parents money.I am very passionate about the topic of abortions.I feel that it should not be the answers to every unwanted pregnancy.It saddens me to know that even up to seven to eight months they still allow abortions. I have encounter many of my friends at a very young age whined up being pregnant and they don't even think about what if their child that their holding could be the next president, the person who finds out the cure for aids, a person who could change the world in a miraculous way?.

There a situations where if a women or a girl gets raped and they don't want to have the child since they don't want nothing that reminds them of that horrible time; there's options and adoption is one of them.Everyone deserves to have a say and a right to live. People just cant keep on living their lives as if they haven't murdered someone, because it is a life you are taking a way; even though the infant does not have a say they should have a right.

If there is a will , there will always be a way. The way I would address this issue is by when someone asks me for my opinion I will tell them how i initially feel and tell them what they are doing or thinking of committing is something they will regret and it is not worth it. The child has a purpose. Like Mother Teresa states "Any country that accepts abortion, is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what it wants." If this country really wants to be a freed country and absolute in a positive way, eliminating abortions would bring America back to the top. We are in a time of change and I say lets stop this criminal act that's affecting many and killing more than thousands of innocent lives daily.

My program of change will indicate,
  • Speaking to those who have lost faith and are need of counseling

  • Praying daily for the stop of this insanity of killing the innocence

  • Visiting Abortion Clinics and standing outside and praying so that God could save and convince those who are confuse and give them comfort.
My intention is to never mislead or judge others by their actions however in what I believe in I will not stay quite, this is my manifesto.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Our Society

The United States has been around for hundreds of decades. It always shows that our country is a liberal one, a country of freedom for all, a country that does not limit people, a country of opportunities.Is it really true? Do we all have the ability to become someone great and positive in our society?Is the United States really experienced as being Enlightened?Some might disagree and some might be in the same mind and agree that this country is for the better not for the worst.

How ever I do believe that United States should not use war as a element to make peace with another country.It is sad to see millions of our nations troopers go and stand up for this country and do not get their rewards, in a sense of they work their behinds off and when they get to war they either die,get hurt or are traumatized for ever. If the nation has a serious problem,issue they should address the other country in a civilized way. I personally do not want to live in a time like world war I and II, where as people were getting killed daily , either here in the U.S. or in the other side of the world.

Imagine one day walking outside your house , thinking its going to be a regular day , and then there it goes a bomb! just hit your block and your running for your life, and then you see people running and going chaotic and 'the enemy's' wont stop shooting at people you know and love and then they shoot you. You cant defend yourself since you didn't know this was going to happen,don't have any weapons. It is just sad to visualize and feel what people in the past has been threw. Even now our soldiers are going threw a rough time killing innocent people in Iraq.Do you ever think the other countries would ever do it to us? It just breaks my heart.

I have two family members whom just started to be Marines.I know they want a better life as such, however I believe committing your life to something that isn't worth it , just worries me.
Makes me wonder if they would be a live tomorrow, if they would get hurt, how would I react from getting a call from my uncle one day and stating that something went real wrong to one of them. They need to put an end to this commodity. If they Enlightenment thinkers were still a live I am convinced that they would be upset in how this particular event(war with Iraq) has come about.

I am also confident in Our new elected President Obama;Hopefully he ends this war quick and resolves the nations problems with Iraq and whom ever else in a affirmative way, so we could finally live in a positive society. War is most definitely a part of our society that has not been Enlightened.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


In the Dictionary ,it states that Enlighten means to give intellectual or spiritual light to; instruct; impart knowledge to, also for the definition of Enlightenment it means the state of being enlightened: to live in spiritual enlightenment.

As Basho had his Enlightenment as a Spiritual one , I have experienced an encounter in my own life as he did.I have always been brought up in church. My mother is always attending her groups at church and my father is always staying home taking care of my younger brother; since he has autism. My mother has always taught me to be very positive and strive for what you want in life and fight for it because no one else would do it for you.My father taught me how to be independent and to learn how to do accomplish things with out counting on people.

When I turned the age of fourteen, I started attending this youth group called "Jovenes De Valor" which in English means "Youth of Value". Did not know why was so attached to this youth group. I would never miss the meetings; which were always taken place every Friday. Many teenagers would meet up and discuss about how they go threw certain situations such as temptations,peer pressure and issues with their family's. I never quite understood many of them , however I did try my best to help them out in what ever way possible. Every Friday would pass by , the group would get bigger week by week. Then one day I just started talking to this one girl who was having family issues who attended the group and she was seeking for help and I prayed for God to give me wisdom for me to help this young girl out , and I gave her advice on how to work on her bearings. The next week comes and she comes to me and says , 'Thank you for helping me out; I took your advice and I'm learning how to understand my family and I'm willing to cooperate with them all.' When she told me this, it was such a time of Enlightenment in my life. I never knew I had the potential to help someone out and to have such a driven passion to assist people in my youth group. This experience made me much wiser and more ambitious to help make a positive difference in this world.


I have been to many places within the United States, and I only been to the Dominican Republic outside of the US.My recent journey was when I decided to go to Georgia to spend time with my family. It's a sixteen hour drive! Which means that you will get pretty exhausted.In the car was my two cousins and my aunt.It was comfortable ride.There was three drivers including me. Me and my cousin had the longer shifts, since my aunt could not be driving for so long. The drive getting over to Georgia went pretty quick.Once we got there my family were extremely excited to see us. It was overwhelming, however enjoyable.

We stayed in Georgia for about four days,spent time with my baby cousins , they are very entertaining.Children have such a passion for life, its very intriguing. I have a three year old cousin named Micheal, he talks like a man, very intellectual ; he states "Auntie Marisel could I have a blackberry because I really love that game called brick breaker?" He surprised me , how does a three year old know about blackberry's? and of course I replied to his question and told him "Micheal, I can't afford to buy a blackberry, were in a recession!" he ignored my response and kept on playing with my phone. He definitely made my trip to Georgia worth whiled.I decided to check out the Georgia mall, extremely huge and beautiful.I was basically window shopping.Also I went to the movies to see "Secret Lives of Bees",by the way its a phenomenal movie. I recommend everyone should go take a look. Additionally I Spent more time with the family; ate a whole lot of great food, which of course is pleasant.

The Fourth days comes along and We have to say our farewells and indeed was it sad to say bye to the people you love the most.The ride back to New York City was draining.My cousins started driving, she drove for about four hours straight, then decided to let my aunt to drive . My aunt drove for about three hours.Then I took over, drove for six hours straight. Couldn't go over the speed limit because I knew their were state troopers behind every exit or a gigantic tree. It was very intimidating since I wanted to get back home fast. The worst state I must say has to be Virgina. They are a lot of cops everywhere. They enjoy giving out those tickets that cost you a lot of money. Since I drove for a long time my cousin took over.We were all extremely exhausted, we have three hours left. Pass New Jersey , were finally in the city! Thank god . Then finally on the Williamsburg bridge to get on to the Brooklyn Queens Expressway.

Finally my adventure is finished.My parents were happy to see that I still had energy and awake. Later on that day I fell asleep around 8:00 pm and woke up around 12:00 pm the next day.Woke up energized and ready for my next adventure.


Beautiful spring sky
The grass is greener than ever
Sound of peace

Monday, February 23, 2009


The Tempest has many captivating characters; after all I can not relate my self to any of the characters in Shakespeare play.How ever the character that caught my attention would have to be Miranda.

Miranda was a great daughter to her father Prospero, very obedient I must say. Even though she never had the dignity to stand up for her rights nor did she ever have a say, she always seemed to live in a box. It was not her fault, since she only grew up in a world aware of only her father and a beast.Prospero always raised her as almost being a queen Miranda, did not know of what other way to live.She was very limited as if the Island she lived on , she could never leave it because she did not know what else is out there.

It is very disappointing that a female had to live such a reserved life, especially being the only female in the play. My sympathies goes out to Miranda's character. I would never want to live a life that my own father would choose all my decisions, life is all about chances and discoveries and thrill.Living in a island that all you could go by is what your father decides for you; must be very depressing.However her character played a role in the play very well and her message went out clearly to the audience in a affirmative matter.